

Marios Michaelides Author

Marios Michaelides was born in Cyprus and he lives in Athens. He graduated from the Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy. He continued his studies in the University of Arkansas in the USA, where he obtained his MA in Education. He has been working as a teacher of Greek at Doukas School since 1992.

He is a poet and a novelist; he has published four poetry collections and four novels. Three of his works, a poetry collection “Allibi Are The Words”, (San allothi oi lexis) (Metaixmio, 2003), the novel “The Ossuary Keeper” (O Osteofylax) (Metaixmio, 2007), and the novel “The Interrogator” (O anakritis) (Gavriilides Publishers, 2012) were awarded the National Prize by the Ministry of Culture and Education of Cyprus. His most recent novel "East of Antalya, North of Nicosia" is published by MOMENTUM, 2014.

He has participated in many conferences both in Greece and in other European countries. A number of his poems have been translated in English, French, Italian and Bulgarian.

He is a member of the Hellenic Authors Society.