Collaboration Day Schedule

10th of December



9:00 (15 min)


Explanation of the purposes and structure of the day.



Introduction of Key Topics

9:15 (15 min)


Proposal of 4-5 key topics for the day collated by the organisers based on impressions of the first day, with discussion among all participants to edit or add to the list during this introduction phase.




9:30 (45 min)


Trend analysis discussion to better understand the context of the future of text. The question posed is:


“Which ongoing processes, in the area of new technologies or social transformation, have most significant impact on text production, storing, and sharing – from the perspective of the topic that you have chosen?”


We will work to define trends as processes which have “objective” / verifiable indicators, e.g. growth of number of users of a new technology, growth of investment in the area X, growth of number of users with a behavioural pattern X, etc.


Each participant can contribute one trend. Then we discuss the relevance of trends and the ‘completeness’ of the picture we obtain.



Anticipated Futures Based On Trends

10:15 (15 min)


Here we move into discussions of the potential futures of text itself, from  the perspective of the topic your group has chosen.



Using trends that were identified, participants develop 5-7 statements about where texts would evolve ‘naturally’ under the influence of existing trends



Coffee break  10:30 (15 min)




10:45 (30 min)


Question to be discussed:





11:15 (20 min for analysis and 20 min for how the threats can be overcome)


Question to be discussed:




Anticipated Futures Based On Threats & Opportunities

11:55 (20 min)


Question to be discussed:



From the perspective of the topic your group has chosen, based on the list of opportunities & threats identified, and list of responses to these threats & opportunities, participants develop 5-7 statements about where text would evolve under the influence of key players.


Participants  also discuss who key players in the transformation of text likely will be and should be.



Coffee break with snacks 12:15 (15 mins)



Sharing of Results



Presentation of the anticipated future scenarios.

(12-15 min per group: 6-7 min for presentation + 6-7 min for comments)



Lunch 13:30 (1 hour)



 Group Manifesto

14:30 (45 min)


Using your input and understanding of the anticipated futures, your group should prepare 5-7 statements (maximum 7!) about the desired future of text from the perspective of your topics.



Each group reads their part of the manifesto.

(15 min = 3 min per 4-5 groups)



Architecting & Building



Devising a list of tasks for hackathon (by ‘hackathon’ we mean coding through group effort, professional work or otherwise). This list does not necessarily mean coding projects, but does refer to specific work with specific work outcomes which moves us practically towards a fantastic future text environment.


The important thing to keep in mind is that this is a collaborative effort to produce something tangible.


All participants created their texts in a single shared collaborative document (e.g. Google Doc), and one version of this text is always projected on the wall

Hackathon task is shared with other groups, and other groups contribute their ideas regarding the requirements (15 min)


Question to be discussed based on this will include:



This is done in preparation of The Program For The Future conducting a series of hackathons in 2016 based on the vision produced during our meeting, which will ultimately lead to the 'grand-daughter' of all demos on the 50th anniversary of Doug Engelbart's Mother Of All Demos in 2018.




16:00 (20 mins)


Reflection on results of the work of both days:



 Session ends





Add this schedule to your calendar for Day 2, the 10th of December:





Go to Day 1